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Services for council tenants
Homeless or worried about becoming homeless
Volunteer for the nightshelter
Council services
Statutory and voluntary agencies
Duty to refer
Affordable housing in Northampton
Renting privately
Council and housing association homes
Housing information, advice and help
Who to contact for specialist advice and help
COVID-19 and renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities
Help to stay in your own home
Apply for a Lifeline pendant through Call Care
Apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant
Request equipment or adaptations from the county council
Managing your money
Housing Benefit and Universal Credit
Local Housing Allowance
Discretionary Housing Payments
Private sector landlords
Become a landlord
Guildhall residential lettings
Register for the landlord accreditation scheme
Houses in multiple occupation
Northampton Partnership Homes
Housing services for council tenants
Report an issue
Report an empty property
Rough sleeping
Help for people sleeping rough
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP)
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