Relationship breakdown

Record details

Housing information and advice

These pages are for people in Northampton who are going through a relationship breakdown and are homeless or are worried about becoming homeless. 

You will find free information and advice about housing, including:

  • organisations you can contact for advice and support
  • how we can help
Organisations that you can contact

Relate Northamptonshire provides relationship counselling and family counselling.

Visit the Relate Northants website:
Telephone: 01604 634 400

Shelter Housing Advice provides housing advice and expert housing advisers on line, by telephone or in person.

Visit the Shelter website:
Telephone: 0808 800 4444
Online webchat: 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday


Citizens Advice Northampton provides free advice about citizens rights, responsibilities and services.
Visit the local Citizens Advice website: 
Telephone: 03444 111 444
Drop-in: The One Stop Shop Northampton Monday to Friday 9:00am until 4:00pm


Community Law Services Northampton and County provides advice and representation to help with welfare benefits, housing, debt and immigration.

Visit the Community Law Services website:
Telephone: 01604 621 038
Drop-in sessions are held at the One Stop Shop Northampton and The Advice Centre Northampton 49 to 53 Hazelwood Road Northampton NN1 1LG .
Check the opening times on the website or by telephone.

Gingerbread supports single parent families with anything from dealing with a break-up to sorting out your money

Visit the Gingerbread website:
 Get  online advice
Telephone: 0808 802 0925 
How we can help

Everyone is entitled to free information and advice.

If you are a UK resident or an eligible person from abroad and are homeless or threatened with homelessness within the next 8 weeks then we can offer you additional practical help.

We offer services for:

  • single people and childless couples with low support needs  
  • single people and childless couples who are vulnerable
  • households with expectant mothers, children or other dependents
Speak to a housing adviser

We will give you advice based on your personal circumstances.

We can let you know what support is available to help you to stay in your own home. If that is not an option, then we can offer you help to find a different home.

Contact us by email, by telephone, or booking an appointment at our One Stop Shop in Northampton Town Centre.

We also offer an out of hours service if you need help in an emergency.

Contact us online     Contact our One Stop Shop      Help in an emergency 

Money advice

Northampton Money Advice Team Our specially trained team provide free information and support if you have arrears with your rent, council tax or mortgage.

Telephone 01604 838 578 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

 or email


The Money Advice Service is an independent service, set up by the government to help you manage your money if you are going through a significant life event, or are trying to tackle or avoid debt.

Visit the Money Advice Service website: 

Telephone 0800 138 7777 Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

Webchat Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm Saturday 8am to 3pm

Joining the housing register
Help in an emergency
No need to sleep rough

If you are sleeping rough in Northampton, or at risk of sleeping rough in Northampton then help, advice, and shelter is available.

We can work with you to keep you off the streets. We can offer:

  • someone to talk to from our street outreach team
  • help for you to stay with friends or family
  • emergency night shelter,
  • money advice and benefit advice
  • support with debt, drug and alcohol addiction, gambling, mental health issues, etc.

We may also be able to help you to get back on track with supported housing, employment and training and somewhere settled to live.

Please  contact our  Single Homelessness Adviser at the One Stop Shop Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm or telephone 01604 837 716.

In an emergency please contact the out of hours service on 0300 330 7000