Town Centre

Record details

Area name
Town Centre


  • Spring Lane Primary
  • Castle Primary School (primary, with nursery unit)
  • Vernon Terrace Primary School (primary, with nursery unit and designated special provision)
  • Stimpson Avenue Primary School (primary, with nursery unit)
  • Malcolm Arnold Academy (secondary, with designated special provision)
  • Northgate School Arts College (special - secondary) 
  • Abbeyfield School (secondary)


to search all schools in the Town Centre

Children's centres

Spring Lane Children’s Centre provides support, activities, health and education services to children up to 5 years and their families.

Health & medical

The nearest GP surgeries are The Mounts Medical Centre and Maple Access Partnership and there are many Dental Surgeries within easy reach. 
more information on healthcare in the area.



 Find the opening hours, contact details and facilities at Northampton Central Library


The town centre has a variety of high street  shops, bars, restaurants and cafes as well as conveniences such as the Post Office, multiple Banks and good transport links. The cultural quarter of Northampton hosts a theatre, Museum and Art Gallery and 78 Derngate, a site of national architectural importance. Find out more here.

Sports facilities available at Mounts Baths include a state of the art gym, dance studio, main pool, teaching/toddler pool, Turkish hot rooms, sauna, steam room and table tennis.


Parks and open spaces

Many parks and open spaces are easily accessible, including the Racecourse, Abington Park and Victoria Park.

Places of worship

Places of worship are easily accessible for a wide range of faiths, either locally or by good transport links.