St James

Record details

North Northampton
Distance from town centre:

0.9 miles
On foot - 18 minutes  By bus - 2 minutes
By car - 7 minutes      By bike - 7 minutes 

Bus service timetables

  • St James CEVA Primary School (with designated special provision)
  • Spring Lane Primary School
  • Malcolm Arnold Secondary School (with designated special provision)
  • The Duston School (secondary with designated special provision)

Click here for more information on schools in the St James area 

Children's centres

Spring Lane Children's Centre run a timetable of events and child health services at St James Library and St James clinic. 

Health & medical

There is a large chemists in St James Retail Park.
Click here for more information on healthcare in the area.


Find the opening hours, contact details and facilities at St James Library


St James is conveniently located to the town centre with its wide range of services and leisure facilities. St James Retail Park has a variety of shops and there are also 4 banks, a post office and supermarkets within the area.

Parks and open spaces

Victoria Park in St James is an open space that covers about 16 acres and includes a play area and youth facilities.

Places of worship

Places of worship for a wide range of faiths can be easily reached via transport links.