
Record details

Area name
North Northampton NN2
Distance from town centre:

1.7 miles
On foot - 34 minutes  By car- 7 minutes
By bus - 13 minutes   By bike - 12 minutes

Bus service timetables

  • Wallace Road Nursery School (nursery)
  • Fairfields School (special - primary)
  • Kingsley Primary School
  • Malcolm Arnold Academy (secondary, with designated special provision)
  • Northgate School Arts College (special - secondary)
Children's centres

Health & medical

The nearest GP surgeries are Greenview Surgery, Crescent Medical Centre and Park Avenue Medical Centre. There are also 3 dentists locally.

Click here for more information on healthcare in the area.


Find the opening hours, contact details and facilities at Kingsthorpe Library


Within Kingsley there are several small shops, restaurants and a bank.  Its location close to Central Northampton means all the amenities of the town, including high street shops, banks, bars and restaurants are within walking distance.

Parks and open spaces

The Racecourse covers more than 118 acres and has 18 mini, junior and senior football pitches, 1 rugby pitch, 3 bowling greens. 7 cricket pitches and 6 tennis courts. 

Places of worship

Places of worship for a wide range of faiths are easily reached via transport links.