
Record details

Area name
North Northampton NN5
Distance from town centre:

2.2 miles
By bus - 34 minutes  By car - 8 minutes
By bike - 16 minutes

Bus service timetables

  • Blackthorn Primary School
  • Rectory Farm Primary School 
  • Woodvale Primary Academy 
  • Greenfields School and Sports College (special - secondary)
  • Billing Brook Special School (special -all through)
  • Northampton Academy (secondary)
  • Weston Favell Academy (secondary)
Children's centres

Nearby Duston Library Children’s Centre provides support, activities, health and education services to children up to 5 years and their families.

Health & medical

There is a GP surgery, St. Luke’s Primary Care Centre in Duston.
Click here for more information on healthcare in the area.



Find the opening hours, contact details and facilities at Duston Library


Within Ryehill there is a local convenience store and the amenities of Duston are within easy reach.  Sainsburys at Sixfields is the nearest supermarket and the leisure facilities at Sixfields, include a cinema and restaurants.
Duston Sports Centre has a state of the art gym, dance studio, 4 court sports hall, function room, bar and sports pitches.

Parks and open spaces

Open spaces include nearby Duston Mill Reservoir, Duston Wildes and Errington Park.

Places of worship

Places of worship for a wide range of faiths are easily reached via transport links.