Briar Hill and Camp Hill

Record details

Area name
Briar Hill and Camp Hill
South Northampton NN4
Distance from town centre:

1.8 miles
By bus - 15 minutes  By car - 7 minutes
By bike - 11 minutes

Bus service timetables

  • Gloucester Nursery School 
  • Briar Hill Primary
  • Hunsbury Park Primary School (primary, with designated special provision)
  • Abbeyfield School (secondary)
  • Northgate School Arts College (special - secondary)
Children's centres

The Children’s Centre located at Gloucester Nursery school runs a timetable of family health and support services and has outreach sites in the Lakeview area to children up to 5 years and their families.

Health & medical

The nearest GP Surgeries are Whitfields Surgery in Camp Hill and Delapre Medical Centre.
Click here for more information on healthcare in the area.


Find the opening hours, contact details and facilities at Hunsbury Library


Within the area there are small shops, a post office and a chemists. The closest supermarket is  at Mereway. Camp Hill and Hunsbury Community Centre is located in Camp Hill and there is a community centre in Briar Hill.

Parks and open spaces

Open spaces include Briar Hill Linear Park and Briar Hill Playing Field.

Places of worship

Places of worship for a range of faiths are accessible by public transport.