
Record details

Area name
East Northampton NN3
Distance from town centre:

3.0 miles
By bus - 17 minutes By car - 10 minutes
By bike - 22 minutes

Bus service timetables

  • Parklands Nursery School 
  • Cedar Road Primary School
  • Boothville Primary School (primary, with nursery unit)
  • Eastfield Academy (primary)
  • Weston Favell Academy (secondary)
  • Thomas Becket Catholic School (secondary)

CSearch all schools in the Lakeview area.

Children's centres
Headlands Children’s Centre runs a timetable of family health and support services and has outreach sites in the Lakeview area to children up to 5 years and their families.


Health & medical

The nearest GP Surgeries are Park Avenue Medical Centre and Woodview Medical Centre.  
Click here for more information on healthcare in the area.


Find the opening hours, contact details and facilities at Weston Favell Library


Within Lakeview there are small shops, a post office and a chemists. Weston Favell Shopping centre and the Town Centre can be reached by good transport links.

Parks and open spaces

Eastfield Park is a vast open space which contains 2 senior football pitches and whose events include multi-games and community safety days.

Places of worship

Places of worship for a range of faiths are accessible by public transport.