
Record details

South Northampton - NN4
Distance from town centre:

3.0 miles
By bus - 15 minutes  by car - 8 minutes
By bike - 17 minutes

The number 7 bus runs every 30 minutes to the town centre and the number 36 bus runs an hourly basis to Wootton and Wootton Fields (daytime Mon-Sat).

Bus service timetables

  • Hardingstone Day Nursery
  • Hardingstone Primary School
  • East Hunsbury Primary School (with designated special provision)
  • Abbeyfield Secondary School
  • Caroline Chisolm School (all through school with designated special provision)

Search all schools in the Hardingstone area


Children's centres

Hardingstone/Wootton Sure Start Children's Centre is located in nearby Wootton next to Wootton Primary School and provides children's activities as well as workshops and courses for parents.


Health & medical

There is a Medical Centre and Chemists in Wootton.
Click here for more information on healthcare in the area.


Find the opening hours, contact details and facilities at Wootton Library (approx. 0.5 miles away)


There is a local shop, pubs and a post office within the village. Social events and activities often take place at the village hall. The nearest supermarket can be found in East Hunsbury.

Parks and open spaces

Hardingstone Recreation Ground is an open space with a play area.

Places of worship

Places of worship for a wide range of faiths can be easily reached via transport links.